Blog From Your Heart


8 responses to “Blog From Your Heart”

  1. That is very good advice. I love how you got started with the family newsletter, I remember receiving so etching like that from friends of my own family but never “participated” in one myself.

  2. bethkoz, Merlene, and Sarah,

    Thanks for the kind comments!

    When I think about all of my old posts languishing it makes me want to go back and dig out the ones that desire to see the light of day again. Some don’t, but some do.

  3. Thanks for sharing, Rundy! I cared for my mom, who had vascular dementia. Have considered writing about it, but I’m not sure whether that will happen or not. I love the serendipitous way your book offer came about, and the loving way you share the story of your story with us. So glad to have you onboard for the Winter Author Blog Challenge.

    Best regards –

    Laura (aka Marcie Brock)

  4. Really enjoyed your post Rundy, the newsletters sound like a wonderful family project – do you still have any of them? I imagine they would be great to look back on. Look forward to reading more from you.

  5. Justine, I think my Mom has a copy of all (or nearly all) of our original hand-crafted newsletter. I recently inherited copies of the first two issues from my grandmother. They are full of nostalgia, and equal parts cute and embarrassing. We also have digital copies of most issues of our email version of the newsletter. Some day I’d like to collect them all in a book for family history.

    Laura, thanks for hosting the Author Blog Challenge!

  6. What a wonderful post, Rundy! It’s good to get a look inside your head and what brings you to the ABC. Your story is eloquently written and I’m thinking I’ll have a lovely time reading what you have to say over the next fifteen days. WRITE ON!