Weekly Update for March 1st 2013

Life can sometimes give you a rabbit trail. On the first of March I started down one such rabbit trail. On a lark, I joined in on a fifteen day blogging challenge. If you have been following this blog, you have seen the fruits of that challenge. It has been a very interesting experience to take part in the daily blogging, but don’t expect such regular blogging to continue after the challenge ends. I am doing it as an exercise of persistence, but the continual blogging is cutting into writing time I would otherwise spend on something else. I can’t keep that up indefinitely.

In The Publishing World Today.

For those interested in keeping up with the book publishing world, and in particular the self publishing world, here are some links of interest:

Aaron Shepard is an expert in the field of self-publishing, and especially in regards to using Amazon or Lightning Source. His blog is here: http://www.newselfpublishing.com/blog/

The Book Marketing Marven has a brief article on the advantages of print on demand (POD) publishing:

She has another article on the difference between wholesalers and distributors: http://bookmarketingmaven.typepad.com/book_marketing_maven/2013/01/whats-the-difference-between-book-wholesalers-and-distributors.html

Then over at Writer’s Beware they showcase a second class contract: http://accrispin.blogspot.com/2013/02/second-class-contracts-deal-terms-at.html

Health, Science, Art

Now, not all of you are into publishing. All of the above links are a bore if you are not into publishing. Never fear, I have something else to interest you!

On the health front: Have you heard of the Mediterranean Diet? It has recently made the news again. If you have only heard about it in passing, this NYT video may be enlightening: http://youtu.be/_JiKXdZwiIg Personally, I already was all for using lots of extra virgin olive oil in my cooking.

On the science front: For the tech nerds, I have something from MIT. The engineers over there have developed a program that accentuates “invisible” movement in videos so that it becomes visible–the effect is both creepy and amazing: http://youtu.be/3rWycBEHn3s

In the art category: I have some musical art in the form of “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” played on an Armonica: http://youtu.be/eQemvyyJ–g

In the visual arts I present to you a master carver at work: http://youtu.be/JAeMlIJ72Xk

Should be something there for just about everybody!