“Publishing Revolution” Essay Added

I just added the essay “Publishing Revolution” to the website. I wrote it all today, so consider it a first draft. I would like to make it the beginning of a larger series covering my thoughts about the publishing world today. I’ll probably go back and retool it a bit as I add further essays to the series. For the present you can read it over and comment on any problems you see, or additions you think it needs.

An excerpt:

The times, they are a-changin. We are living in the middle of a publishing revolution, and its collective impact is perhaps second only to the changes unleashed by Johannes Gutenberg with his printing press. Any writer who desires to be published had best take note because “If your time to you is worth savin’ / Then you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone“. This is an introduction, an overview of this revolution to start you thinking about how you will ride the wave to survival and success. (Read more.)

Keep the feedback coming!