“Saying Goodbye” Essay Added

I wrapped this afternoon up by adding the essay “Saying Goodbye” to the website. The essay is one of the saddest I have written, but sometimes life is sad. And sometimes the saddest times are the times that show us, and teach us, the most.

An excerpt:

There were many things I wanted to write before this, but life never goes in the neat little order we desire. I wanted to write about how Grandpa and I would laugh together, the foolish games we would play, and how I would tease him. I wanted to write about the laughter and lightness we made in the midst of the darkness. I wanted to write about the long goodbye. I wanted to write more about the struggle of feeding him, and caring for him, when it was growing increasingly impossible to do either. But that long goodbye has slipped by, and if I have failed to write about the things I have done, at least I have done them. I can write about them another time. (Read more.)

Read it, and ponder it.