Goodreads is Good for Authors


6 responses to “Goodreads is Good for Authors”

  1. Yeah, Rundy! Another awesome post. I love reading your stuff. It’s intelligent AND accessible. We’re so glad to have you playing in the WABC with us! Laura

  2. Great post, once again, very thoughtful. Glad you jumped on the goodreads boat, there is certainly information overload out there!

  3. UGH! My biggest problem with GoodReads is happening as of my visit to your blog. The site is down. Irks me to no end, it does. I agree that you can get lost and end up having hours of your time sucked out of your life without noticing on that site. Taken in small doses, it’s awesome though. 🙂 WRITE ON!

  4. I enjoy your blog so I have sent you a friend request. (Don’t feel obligated to add me, by the way). I can write fluently on my blog but when it comes to book reviews my attempts are so amateurish I don’t bother any more. But, I might try again, thanks to the WABC.

  5. Laura/Marcie and Ashley, thanks for the very kind comments! It has been interesting participating in the challenge.

    Jo Micheals, could Goodreads be down because of all the readers flocking to my profile? Nah, probably not yet. Maybe in a few weeks 😉